
How to Keep Geese Out of Your Yard

The Most Effective Way to Keep Geese Out of Your Yard

Geese can cause a significant mess in your yard. They are coming to your lakefront or pond because you are close to a body of water, making it a convenient spot for them to be, since they can be close to a food source. You may have tried everything to keep them off your lawn and from causing a mess for you.

You are not alone in this struggle. That is why Lake Restoration has a goose barrier system that is placed between your yard and your water to keep the unwanted geese off your yard!

The Goose D-Fence system from Lake Restoration works great as a goose control fence, keeping geese off your dock, yard and other areas where they are not wanted. So what makes Goose D-Fence effective?

How and Why it Works

Goose D-Fence provides a barrier between your yard and the water. Geese need access to food and water every 30 minutes, or they will move to a more desired location if they can’t easily access it (they shed feathers in the summer, making them not want to fly if not necessary). Since geese on your lawn will not be able to access the water because of the fence, they will leave and go to a more desirable location.

What is it Made of?

Goose D-Fence is a retractable line system that can be set up and taken down within minutes. The line used in the Goose D-Fence is a clear, mono-filament line, making the Goose D-Fence a very inconspicuous goose control option. The housing unit contains a total of 500 ft of line and comes with one additional post. The traditional two line setup will cover a span of 250 ft.

Where can you use it?

Below are a few setup examples.

*Some set-ups require more than one system, or additional posts to go around corners and every additional 50-60 feet you are trying to cover.

Set-up and Take-Down Instructions

Watch how to set-up and take-down the Goose D-Fence System.

The great thing about Goose D-Fence is that you can take it down and put it back up within 10 minutes. Take it down to mow your grass or let the kids play, then put it right back up afterwards. It is simple and fast to keep geese gone!

Geese control can be a challenge for many homeowners. Goose D-Fence is designed to eliminate the unwanted pests and keep them gone and off of your property! Visit us online at, or call a Lake Expert at 877-428-8898!

Keep geese off your lawn for good with Goose D-Fence!


Other Ways to Keep Geese Out of Your Yard

In our experience, physical barriers are the ultimate solution for getting rid of geese. If you’re looking for other methods to deter geese from your yard, here are a few you can consider:


  1. Remove food sources: Geese are attracted to areas with ample food. Limit their food availability by keeping your yard free of spilled birdseed, pet food, or open garbage cans. Additionally, consider removing or reducing any lush grass or plants that they may feed on.


  1. Use deterrents: There are various deterrents available that can help discourage geese from your yard. These include:


    • Visual deterrents: Hang reflective objects, such as old CDs or shiny tape, in the yard to create reflections that scare geese away. Large predator decoys, like owl or coyote statues, can be effective, but generally become understood as not a threat by the geese.


    • Auditory deterrents: Noise-making devices, such as motion-activated alarms, radios playing loud sounds, or devices that emit distress calls of geese or predators, can be used to deter geese.


    • Water deterrents: Geese dislike bodies of water in motion. You can use sprinklers or water sprayers activated by motion sensors to startle and discourage them.


  1. Modify the landscape: Geese prefer open areas with clear sightlines that allow them to spot potential predators. You can make your yard less attractive to geese by adding tall grasses, shrubs, or dense landscaping that obstructs their view and makes them feel less secure.


  1. Use repellents: There are non-toxic repellents available on the market that can discourage geese from entering your yard. These products emit a scent or taste that geese find unpleasant. Follow the instructions on the repellent carefully to ensure safe and effective use.


Remember, it’s important to check your local regulations before implementing any methods to deter geese, as some jurisdictions may have specific guidelines or restrictions regarding the treatment of migratory birds.


Tips for Dealing With Geese

Dealing with geese can be a challenge, but here are some tips to help you manage and address any issues they may cause:


  1. Maintain a safe distance: Geese can become aggressive, especially during their nesting season. It’s important to keep a respectful distance and avoid approaching them or their nests. If you encounter a goose that seems defensive or aggressive, calmly back away and give it space.


  1. Avoid feeding geese: Feeding geese can habituate them to human presence and encourage them to linger in your yard. It’s best to refrain from feeding them intentionally and ensure that unintentional food sources, such as spilled birdseed or unsecured garbage, are eliminated.


  1. Clean up droppings: Geese droppings can accumulate quickly and create a mess in your yard. Regularly clean up the droppings using gloves and dispose of them properly. Cleaning up promptly can discourage geese from frequenting your yard, as they are attracted to areas with abundant droppings.


  1. Use scare tactics: Geese are wary of potential threats. Employ scare tactics to deter them, such as loud noises, flashing lights, or sudden movements. You can use motion-activated devices, like sprinklers or noisemakers, to startle and discourage them from your yard.


  1. Employ trained dogs: Some dogs, particularly breeds with herding instincts, can effectively deter geese. Trained dogs can be used to chase geese away, but it’s important to consult a professional dog trainer to ensure the safety and appropriate training of the dog.


  1. Seek professional assistance: If you’re facing persistent issues with geese or if they pose a threat to safety or property, consider contacting local wildlife authorities or professional bird management services. These experts can provide guidance and assistance in addressing the situation effectively and ethically.


Remember that geese are protected under various regulations in many regions, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with local laws before taking any actions that may harm or harass them.


Summary of How to Keep Geese out of Your Yard

Effectively keeping geese out of your yard requires a combination of proactive measures, respectful deterrents, and a focus on long-term solutions. By understanding the motivations and behaviors of geese, you can implement strategies such as modifying the landscape, utilizing deterrents, and establishing barriers that discourage their presence. Additionally, maintaining a clean and unattractive environment, while respecting wildlife and local regulations, can contribute to a harmonious coexistence. Remember, persistence and consistency are key when it comes to deterring geese, and by implementing these practical tips, you can create a goose-free yard that promotes both the well-being of your property and the geese themselves.